Univeral Brain Language

Ranjit Damodaran
2 min readJul 4, 2022


Photo by Jesse Orrico on Unsplash

With the rapid technological evolution that we are seeing today. Soon, we may need to discuss the standard communication protocol for our brains. Let’s say it is a Universal Brain Language.

Let's ask a fundamental question, why do we need a language?

Yes, it is a bit obvious. It is to communicate with fellow human beings. However, we know language is not optimal. It is clumsy and doesn't effectively articulate our feelings or emotions.

Over and above, it has got lots of inefficiencies. Our brain thinks in the form of electrical and chemical signals. These signals must be converted into a language using our vocal tract, voice box, and lungs.

Our language doesn't capture the complete spectrum of our human emotions. The thought process in our brain is not linear. To the sensory constraints, we need to sequence and serialize our thoughts to communicate.

Language is a very inefficient system of communication.

With the advent of technologies, we have a genuine pathway where humans can effectively share their raw emotions, thoughts, and perspectives. There is no need to have a build in a middle layer like our vocal body parts, language, and hearing organs to communicate.

Let’s take a step back. Is the general trajectory of our technology? It all started with a computing device. It evolved to become personnel, first to desktop, then to laptop, and now it is a wearable device.

These technologies have a life of their own. It is like a virus continuously evolving to breach us and find a way to get in. Currently, the trend is we will start to see the Virtual and Augmented reality technologies and highjacking out senses to a controlled virtual world.

Also, we are seeing technology opening the door to access the brain directly. Companies like NuroLink can demonstrate the capabilities to directly access the brain of primates through tiny electrodes connected to the cells of our brain. It is a matter of time before it will be used on humans.

This opens up an interesting point. If there is a way to connect the brains directly, why do we need a language? Why can’t we have a brain language?

Let's assume that if we know how the brain signals work, we can effectively communicate our feelings directly to the other person without having an intermediate language like English. This can effectively cut down the language barrier, and there is no need to have all these languages worldwide.

If we follow the technological evolution, it is not in the far future, that we will have the capabilities to connect directly to another human through brain signals.



Ranjit Damodaran

Tech enthusiast, Project Management. Interested in Complexity science, Economics, Psychology, Philosophy, Human Nature, Behavioral Economics, almost anything.